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Funding Opportunity

NIDA Core "Center of Excellence" Grant Program (P30 Clinical Trial Optional)

NIDA Core Center of Excellence Grants (P30) are intended to bring together investigators currently funded by NIH or other Federal or non-Federal sources, to enhance the effectiveness of existing research and also to extend the focus of research to drug abuse and addiction. It is expected that a Center will transform knowledge in the sciences it is studying. Incremental work should not be the focus of Center activities; rather, new and creative directions are encouraged. An application should integrate and promote research in existing funded projects, to achieve new and creative directions. It is expected that individual core activities reflect a relationship to the integrating theme of the Center and the Center is expected to provide research opportunities and experiences to new investigators , and share findings, data and their resources, consistent with achieving the goals of the program.


Solication URL:

Post Date:December 28, 2022

Close Date:November 17, 2025

Last Updated Date:December 28, 2022

Opportunity ID: 345149

Opportunity Number: PAR-23-049

Agency Name: National Institutes of Health

Eligible Applicants:

0 - State governments
1 - County governments
2 - City or township governments
4 - Special district goverments
5 - Independent school districts
6 - Public and State controlled institutions of higher education
7 - Native American tribal governments (Federally recognized)
8 - Public housing authorities/Indian housing authorities
11 - Native American tribal organizations (other than Federally recognized tribal governments)
12 - Nonprofits having a 501 (c) (3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education
13 - Nonprofits that do not have a 501 (c) (3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education
20 - Private institutions of higher education
22 - For-profit organizations other than small businesses
23 - Small businesses
25 - Others



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