Resources Library
Arkansas BJA Grant Activities
Tennessee CSMD Analytics Report
AI for PDMP Administrators From Basics to Beyond
View Meeting PresentationMeeting Presentation — 02/25/2025
AI for PDMP Administrators From Basics to Beyond
Puerto Rico Veterinary Prescription Audits
View Meeting PresentationMeeting Presentation — 02/25/2025
Puerto Rico Veterinary Prescription Audits
Oklahoma PDMP History and Training
Florida BJA Grant Activities
A listing of useful PDMP-related websites, including: PDMP account registration, query, and data upload, PDMP statistics, Opioid Dashboard, PDMP user training, statutes/regulations, and opioid prescribing guidelines.
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence: Applications in Healthcare Epidemiology
View WebinarWebinar — 12/18/2024
An overview of machine learning in healthcare epidemiology and practical examples of machine learning tools used to support healthcare decision making at the four stages of hospital-based care: triage, diagnosis, treatment, and discharge.
Information was obtained from TTAC's annual surveys, review of enacted legislation and regulations, and direct communication with PDMP Administrators
2024 PDMP Policies and Capabilities Assessment Results
The Effect of PDMPs' Collaboration to Address the Prescription Drug Crisis
View Meeting PresentationMeeting Presentation — 11/15/2024
The Effect of PDMPs' Collaboration to Address the Prescription Drug Crisis
There has been growing concern among PDMP Administrators about the misinformation and misperception being disseminated at all levels regarding the workings and operations of these programs. PDMP Administrators around the country identified the need for the creation of an orientation package for new PDMP Administrators. This package could be used by new and less experienced PDMP Administrators as a guidance and reference tool. Revised November 2024
VIDEO - PDMP on FHIR - Kontur
VIDEO - PDMP on FHIR - Robertson
VIDEO - ODMAP 2024: Innovation in Overdose Detection and Data Sharing
VIDEO - Enhancing Patient Care Through Telemedicine
VIDEO - COSSUP Programs - Building Bridges Initiatives
VIDEO - COSSUP Programs - Overdose Fatality Review Teams
VIDEO - PDMP BJA Grant Projects - Data Analysis Overdose Prevention
VIDEO - PDMP BJA Grant Projects - OARRS Early Intervention Program
VIDEO - PDMP BJA Grant Projects - Pennsylvania
VIDEO - PDMP Initiatives - Buprenorphine/Naloxone Survey
VIDEO - PDMP Initiatives - California
VIDEO - e[PDMP]iology: Three Cases of Operationalizing PDMP data (and Epi Staff!) for Epidemiologic Research
View VideoVideo — 09/20/2024
VIDEO - e[PDMP]iology: Three Cases of Operationalizing PDMP data (and Epi Staff!) for Epidemiologic Research
VIDEO - Pragmatic Evaluations of PDMP Legislation to Evaluate Real-World Evidence
View VideoVideo — 09/20/2024
VIDEO - Pragmatic Evaluations of PDMP Legislation to Evaluate Real-World Evidence
VIDEO - Controlled Substance Prescribing Among Mothers of Neonatal Infants Born with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome — Georgia 2020–2022
View VideoVideo — 09/20/2024
VIDEO - Controlled Substance Prescribing Among Mothers of Neonatal Infants Born with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome — Georgia 2020–2022
VIDEO - Food and Drug Administration Update
VIDEO - Overview of the Opioid Crisis: Where We Are and Where We Need to Go
View VideoVideo — 09/20/2024
VIDEO - Overview of the Opioid Crisis: Where We Are and Where We Need to Go
Information was obtained from TTAC's annual surveys, review of enacted legislation and regulations, and direct communication with PDMP Administrators
Food and Drug Administration Update
Health Data, Technology, and Interoperability: Patient Engagement, Information Sharing, and Public Health Interoperability (HTI-2) Proposed Rule
View Meeting PresentationMeeting Presentation — 08/15/2024
Health Data, Technology, and Interoperability: Patient Engagement, Information Sharing, and Public Health Interoperability (HTI-2) Proposed Rule
COSSUP Programs - Opioid Affected Youth Initiative
View Meeting PresentationMeeting Presentation — 08/14/2024
COSSUP Programs - Opioid Affected Youth Initiative
COSSUP Programs - Building Bridges Initiative
View Meeting PresentationMeeting Presentation — 08/14/2024
COSSUP Programs - Building Bridges Initiative
COSSUP Programs - Overdose Fatality Review Teams
View Meeting PresentationMeeting Presentation — 08/14/2024
COSSUP Programs - Overdose Fatality Review Teams
PDMP Initiatives - Buprenorphine/Naloxone Survey
View Meeting PresentationMeeting Presentation — 08/14/2024
PDMP Initiatives - Buprenorphine/Naloxone Survey
ODMAP 2024: Innovation in Overdose Detection and Data Sharing
View Meeting PresentationMeeting Presentation — 08/14/2024
ODMAP 2024: Innovation in Overdose Detection and Data Sharing
Enhancing Patient Care Through Telemedicine
View Meeting PresentationMeeting Presentation — 08/14/2024
Enhancing Patient Care Through Telemedicine
PDMP BJA Grant Projects - Data Analysis Overdose Prevention
View Meeting PresentationMeeting Presentation — 08/14/2024
PDMP BJA Grant Projects - Data Analysis Overdose Prevention
PDMP BJA Grant Projects - OARRS Early Intervention Program
View Meeting PresentationMeeting Presentation — 08/14/2024
PDMP BJA Grant Projects - OARRS Early Intervention Program
PDMP BJA Grant Projects - Pennsylvania
PDMP Initiatives - California
42 CFR Part 2 Implementation
Pragmatic Evaluations of PDMP Legislation to Evaluate Real-world Evidence
View Meeting PresentationMeeting Presentation — 08/13/2024
Pragmatic Evaluations of PDMP Legislation to Evaluate Real-world Evidence
Controlled Substance Prescribing Among Mothers of Neonatal Infants Born with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome - Georgia 2020-2022
View Meeting PresentationMeeting Presentation — 08/13/2024
Controlled Substance Prescribing Among Mothers of Neonatal Infants Born with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome - Georgia 2020-2022
Overview of the Opioid Crisis: Where We Are and Where We Need to Go
View Meeting PresentationMeeting Presentation — 08/13/2024
Overview of the Opioid Crisis: Where We Are and Where We Need to Go
e{PDMP]iology: Three Cases of Operationalizing PDMP Data (and EPI Staff!) for Epidemiological Research
View Meeting PresentationMeeting Presentation — 08/13/2024
e{PDMP]iology: Three Cases of Operationalizing PDMP Data (and EPI Staff!) for Epidemiological Research
Analysis of prescription opioid overdose death statistics 2017-2021
The webinar explores fundamental components of the Harold Rogers PDMP award and grant activities, introduces grantees to BJA representatives and PDMP TTAC partners, and provides the opportunities to engage in a Q&A session with federal leaders.
Presentation by Nebraska on their integration efforts
Presentation by Virginia on their marijuana tracking activities
Presentation by California on a PDMP housed at a law enforcement agency
Presentation by Idaho on a PDMP housed at a professional licensing agency
PDMP Enrollment and Use Mandates Compliance - Maine
View Meeting PresentationMeeting Presentation — 05/15/2024
Presentation by Maine on compliance efforts with their enrollment and use mandates
Presentation by Arizona on their marijuana tracking activities
Presentation by Ohio on their marijuana tracking activities
PDMP Ignite Talks - District of Columbia
View Meeting PresentationMeeting Presentation — 05/15/2024
Ignite Talk presented by District of Columbia
Ignite Talk presented by Puerto Rico
Ignite Talk presented by South Carolina
Presentation by Wisconsin on their integration efforts
PDMP Initiatives - Blue Ribbon Consortium
View Meeting PresentationMeeting Presentation — 05/15/2024
Presentation by Northern Mariana Islands on their Blue Ribbon Consortium
Data Reporting and Error Correction Compliance - Pennsylvania
View Meeting PresentationMeeting Presentation — 05/15/2024
Presentation by Pennsylvania on their compliance efforts with data reporting and error correction.
Ignite Talk presentation by Colorado
Ignite Talk presented by Massachusetts
PDMP Enrollment and Use Mandates Compliance - Arkansas
View Meeting PresentationMeeting Presentation — 05/15/2024
Presentation by Arkansas on their compliance efforts with their enrollment and use mandates
Presentation from Illinois PDMP on their efforts to implement the 42 CFR Part 2
Presentation by Utah on their efforts to reduce overdose deaths
Presentation by TTAC staff on the new data elements in ASAP 5.0
Presentation by Kansas on their complaint processes
Presentation by New York on their data linkage project
Summary of selected bills and regulations enacted or adopted in 2023.
An Update to VHA's PDMP Reporting: Current and Future Perspectives
View WebinarWebinar — 03/26/2024
This presentation will provide an update to the experiences of the Veterans Health Administration within the Department of Veterans Affairs in their reporting to PDMPs since their last TTAC webinar in August 2020. The impacts of legislative changes, updated ASAP standards, and VHA's ongoing transition to the Oracle Health federal electronic health record (EHR) on transmitting VHA prescription data will be covered. Approaches for balancing VHA's unique model of healthcare delivery with state specific PDMP requirements, associated challenges, and future considerations are also discussed.
A State must complete and agree to the terms of the RxCheck Hub MOU in order to establish a connection. This template is a guide for states to follow.
The American Society for Automation in Pharmacy (ASAP) published the first update of the ASAP PDMP standards since 2019. Many PDMP administrators participated in the development and approval of the new ASAP 5.0 standards. This webinar reviews the history and use of the ASAP PDMP standards and the changes to the most recent version, ASAP 5.0.
This document summarizes the status of PDMPs, based on the results of the 2023 state assessment, related to operations, policies/procedures, technological capabilities, and authorized users.
SRS Installation for RxCheck v 3.1 (Production) Maintenance Upgrade for HCE
View Online ResourceOnline Resource — 11/17/2023
SRS Installation for RxCheck v 3.1 (Production) Maintenance Upgrade for HCE
Information blocking poses threats to patient safety and to the efficacy and effectiveness of our health care system, by inappropriately impeding the flow or use of information. Enacted in 2016, the 21st Century Cures Act prohibited health care providers, health information technology (IT) developers of certified health IT, and health information exchanges or networks from engaging in information blocking. The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) issued a final rule in 2020 setting out certain exceptions to the definition of information blocking. More recently, in June 2023, the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General (OIG) promulgated a final rule setting out the investigations and enforcement process against health IT developers of certified health IT and health information exchanges and networks. OIG’s Final Rule became effective, and enforcement began, on September 1, 2023.
Information was obtained from TTAC's annual surveys, review of enacted legislation and regulations, and direct communication with PDMP Administrators
Information was obtained from TTAC's annual surveys, review of enacted legislation and regulations, and direct communication with PDMP Administrators
Information was obtained from TTAC's annual surveys, review of enacted legislation and regulations, and direct communication with PDMP Administrators
Information was obtained from TTAC's annual surveys, review of enacted legislation and regulations, and direct communication with PDMP Administrators
SRS Installation for RxCheck v 3.1 (Production) Maintenance Upgrade for PDMP
View Online ResourceOnline Resource — 09/12/2023
SRS Installation for RxCheck v 3.1 (Production) Maintenance Upgrade
Lessons Learned from All Prescription Reporting
View Meeting PresentationMeeting Presentation — 07/13/2023
PDMP interest in the collection and use of non-scheduled medication continues to expand; two PDMP systems are actively gathering and storing prescription drugs and another 10 have expressed interest or are in the process. The approach to acquiring the drug data varies, and the challenges for effectively using the information require careful considerations. Working with such large amounts of new data needs a strategic vision. This webinar will showcase the experience of the Nebraska and Maryland PDMP systems.
SRS Installation for RxCheck v 3.1 (UAT) Maintenance Upgrade
View Online ResourceOnline Resource — 06/16/2023
SRS Installation for RxCheck v 3.1 Maintenance Upgrade
RxCheck is announcing the availability of version 3.1 in UAT to enhance capabilities and bolster security measures. This upgrade is required to implement changes that were recommended and approved by the RxCheck Governance Board.
This webinar provides an introduction to two decades of trends in the illicit drug landscape using fatal overdose data. Silvana Mazzella from Prevention Point Philadelphia will detail the association between these trends and drug use behaviors, especially as it pertains to the use of synthetic opioids like fentanyl, and the emerging co-use trends with stimulants and the introduction of xylazine in the region. Dr. Megan Reed from Thomas Jefferson University will then discuss research on the perspectives of people in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, who use fentanyl adulterated with xylazine and community interest in detecting this and other cutting agents. In addition, Dr. Reed and Ms. Mazzella will detail efforts to address emerging harms associated with xylazine.
Viewing Options and Resources
- COSSUP webinar recordings include options for enabling closed captioning/subtitles and transcripts during playback; please see the bottom right menu of the recording screen.
- Presentation slides are available upon request by contacting
Academic Detailing for PDMPs: Examples from Utah and Illinois
View Meeting PresentationMeeting Presentation — 05/25/2023
In March, TTAC hosted a webinar on Academic detailing. Representatives from the National Resource Center for Academic Detailing (NaRCAD) illustrated the impact of this communication strategy and shared implementation strategies for programs interested in starting an academic detailing project. This month's webinar will showcase the application of academic detailing from two states: Utah and Illinois.
In March, TTAC hosted a webinar on Academic detailing. Representatives from the National Resource Center for Academic Detailing (NaRCAD) illustrated the impact of this communication strategy and shared implementation strategies for programs interested in starting an academic detailing project. This month's webinar will showcase the application of academic detailing from two states: Utah and Illinois.
Academic detailing is a type of educational intervention that uses evidence-based information to promote appropriate prescribing practices. Academic detailing utilizes a
1-on-1 outreach education technique to improve clinical care, resulting in better health outcomes for patients. Academic detailing is an effective way to change prescribing practices and can be used to address a variety of issues, such as reducing opioid prescribing and improving patient safety. PDMPs can utilize academic detailing to provide healthcare providers with evidence-based information on the appropriate use of opioids as well as potential risks associated with their prescription and how to use PDMP data to identify potential misuse of opioids by their patients.
This webinar explores the flexible application of academic detailing. Facilitating an interactive discussion with members of the PDMP community, representatives from the National Resource Center for Academic Detailing (NaRCAD) will illustrate the impact of this communication strategy and share implementation strategies for programs interested in starting an academic detailing project.
Academic detailing is a type of educational intervention that uses evidence-based information to promote appropriate prescribing practices. Academic detailing utilizes a
1-on-1 outreach education technique to improve clinical care, resulting in better health outcomes for patients. Academic detailing is an effective way to change prescribing practices and can be used to address a variety of issues, such as reducing opioid prescribing and improving patient safety. PDMPs can utilize academic detailing to provide healthcare providers with evidence-based information on the appropriate use of opioids as well as potential risks associated with their prescription and how to use PDMP data to identify potential misuse of opioids by their patients.
This webinar explores the flexible application of academic detailing. Facilitating an interactive discussion with members of the PDMP community, representatives from the National Resource Center for Academic Detailing (NaRCAD) will illustrate the impact of this communication strategy and share implementation strategies for programs interested in starting an academic detailing project.
The misuse of prescription drugs, especially opioids, has become a national crisis. The opioid epidemic creates a public health and safety concern that requires innovative solutions. One potential solution is the use of prescription drug monitoring programs (PDMPs). Research on the use of PDMPs provides evidence-based outcomes that can help inform decisions around public policy and provide insight into potential strategies to address the opioid crisis. PDMPs help detect fraud and provide valuable data that can be used to better understand the scope of the epidemic and the impact of various interventions. Research can also inform strategies for use of PDMPs to decrease opioid misuse and improve public health and safety.
Summary of bills and regulations enacted or adopted in 2022
This document provides a general overview of how prescription drug monitoring programs (PDMPs) operate.
RxCheck provides states the ability to easily participate in the growing movement of nationwide Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) data sharing and integration. RxCheck was developed with support from the U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), using the Prescription Monitoring Information Exchange (PMIX) National Architecture specifications. RxCheck was designed with the involvement of state PDMP administrators, private industry, and the federal government. RxCheck is currently operated by BJA and is governed by the RxCheck Governing Body consisting of PDMP representatives from participating states.
This webinar will provide guidance and use of the WONDER system.
This document summarizes the status of PDMPs, based on the results of the 2022 state assessment, related to operations, policies/procedures, technological capabilities, and authorized users.
Fan Xiong, Epidemiologist, Washington State Department of Health
Sarah Pointer, Clinical Director, Illinois Department of Health
Mark Cioffi, Program Analyst, New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services
Jean Hall, Kentucky All Schedule Prescription Electronic Reporting (KASPER), Program Administrator, Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services
Chad Garner, Director of Ohio Automated Rx Reporting System (OARRS), Ohio Board of Pharmacy
Jeffrey Henrie, C/S Database Administrator, Utah Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing
PDMP Epidemiology Projects - Washington
PDMP Innovative Projects - Ohio
PDMP Epidemiology Projects - Illinois
PDMP Epidemiology Projects - New Hampshire
View Meeting PresentationMeeting Presentation — 12/07/2022
PDMP Epidemiology Projects - New Hampshire
PDMP Innovative Projects - Utah
PDMP Innovative Projects - Kentucky
Laura Cima, PharmD, PDMP Pharmacist, Arkansas Department of Health
John Robertson, Data/Business Intelligence Architect, Florida Department of Health
Rebecca Taylor, Deputy Director, Maine Department of Health and Human Services
Naomi M. Adaniya, PhD, MPH, Chief Data Office, DEA
Christine Khaikin, JD, Center of Excellence for Protected Health Information (CoE-PHI)
Amber Black, JD, CoE-PHI
Merianne R. Spencer, MPH, Division of Analysis and Epidemiology, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Shannon Casillas, Epidemiologist, CDC
Carmen Smiley, Senior Health Information Technology Specialist, Office of Technology, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC)
Melissa Heinen, RN, MPH, Senior Research Associate, Institute for Intergovernmental Research (IIR)
BJA Grant Projects - Kansas
BJA Grant Projects - Tennessee
PDMP Data Analytics - Maine
PDMPs and the Impact of 42 CFR, Part 2
Project US@ - Improving Data Integrity
CDC's DOSE Database
Overdose Fatality Review Teams
PDMP Data Analytics - Florida
PDMP Data Analytics - Arkansas
CDC's WONDER Database
Patrick Knue, Prescription Drug Monitoring Program Training and Technical Assistance Center (PDMP TTAC)
Karhlton Moore, Director, BJA
John Eadie, Public Health and PDMP Project Coordinator, National Emerging Threats Initiative (NETI), a National HIDTA Initiative
Patrick Knue, PDMP TTAC
Dr. Chris Delcher, Director, Institute for Pharmaceutical Outcomes and Policy, Associate Professor, College of Pharmacy, University of Kentucky
Dr. Iraklis Erik Tseregounis, Assistant Project Scientist, University of California at Davis
Overview of latest PDMP policies and capabilities
Comprehensive Research Review - Tseregounis
View Meeting PresentationMeeting Presentation — 12/05/2022
Comprehensive Research Review - Tseregounis
Comprehensive Research Review (handout 2) - Delcher
View Meeting PresentationMeeting Presentation — 12/05/2022
Comprehensive Research Review (handout 2) - Delcher
Comprehensive Research Review - Delcher
Comprehensive Research Review (handout 1) - Delcher
View Meeting PresentationMeeting Presentation — 12/05/2022
Comprehensive Research Review (handout 1) - Delcher
Emerging Drug Threats in the United States
View Meeting PresentationMeeting Presentation — 12/05/2022
Overview of the emerging drug threats
This video podcast will provide an overview of Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs.
A copy of the transcipt is available here.
Research on the features related to opioid prescribing that are predictive of chronic opioid use. This research suggests that stronger prescription guidelines are needed for opioid prescriptions among opioid naïve patients. This webinar delves into the methods and results of this study
Webinar to discuss current recommendations on proposed ASAP standards.
PDMPs are continuously evolving and being more responsive to stakeholders with more timely and accurate information. Consequently, PDMPs are widely recognized as an important tool in addressing the drug abuse epidemic. Even with their success, PDMPs continue to evolve into one of the most efficient and effective tools to reduce prescription drug abuse, substance use disorder, and diversion. The Future of PDMPs podcast will explore where PDMPs may be headed within the next five to 10 years. Two PDMP administrators, Kevin Borcher, Vice President of Pharmacy Informatics with the Nebraska PDMP and Jean Hall, the program administrator with Kasper, Kentucky's PDMP were interviewed for this podcast.
A transcript of this podcast is available at:
Presentation on Rhode Island PDMP's projects
Recommendations for Best Practices on Dispenser Compliance and Data Integrity
View ReportReport — 08/29/2022
Complete and accurate prescription drug information is vitally important to support efforts to reduce the incidence of prescription drug misuse and diversion. Healthcare providers (prescribers and dispensers) have a vested interest in ensuring that quality data are transmitted to and available from prescription drug monitoring programs (PDMPs). This report examines promising practices for PDMPs in identifying the dispensers required to transmit prescription data, effective ways to monitor dispensers’ compliance, and how to provide dispensers with information about what data should be transmitted and how. It also examines where data errors may potentially occur and how PDMPs may identify the errors and processes to ensure timely corrective actions. This report details the areas where prescription data errors may occur, some procedures PDMPs employ to detect those errors, and steps to ensure that the erroneous data are corrected. In addition, it provides suggestions for prescribers, dispensers, and other stakeholders to prevent data errors from occurring.
The Integration Framework provides guidance to health care systems, states, and health information technology (IT) vendors to support successful project execution, management and communications for Health IT integrations. The Integration Framework draws on experience with PDMP-EHR integration and electronic CDS. The phases, process steps, and practices presented in this Framework may be applicable to other health IT projects. The Framework includes two separate sections that provide specific guidance for PDMP-EHR Integration and electronic Clinical Decision Support implementation.
Presentation by Kansas PDMP on their BJA Grant project.
Presentation by Illinois PDMP on their BJA Grant project.
Overview of the PMIX Standards Organization
Presentation by the Washington PDMP on their epidemiology project.
Presentation about the RxCheck Governance Board
Presentation by Arkansas PDMP on their BJA Grant project.
Presentation by Puerto Rico PDMP on epidemiological efforts.
Presentation by Tennessee PDMP on their BJA Grant project.
Presentation by Maine PDMP on their BJA Grant project.
Presentation by Texas PDMP on current projects.
Presentation by Florida PDMP on current projects.
The document informs PDMP administrators, state and federal legislators, and other interested stakeholders about state and federal legislation of each state and federal agencies related to PDMPs. The document identifies bills and regulations introduced at the state and federal levels related to PDMPs.
PDMP Insight: A Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing Framework for PDMPs
View WebinarWebinar — 04/04/2022
An overview and examination of the recommended approach for PDMPs to develop and implement a Business Intelligence (BI) capability. PDMP Insight (PDMP BI) empowers the PMDP program to execute a mature roadmap from basic reporting to advanced analytics and predictive modeling. The business and technical elements that enables PDMP BI will be explored on a component-by-component basis.
Prescription Opioid Overdose Deaths: Analysis and Recommendations (rev. 2022)
View ReportReport — 02/16/2022
The PDMP Training and Technical Assistance Center (TTAC) compiled overdose death statistics from 1999 to 2020. PDMP TTAC analyzed the overdose statistics was to identify state efforts that were most effective in reducing the incidence of prescription opioid overdose deaths.
Overview of the features of the RxCheck Hub Administrator Console.
PDMP TTAC collaborated with representatives from the National Association of State Controlled Substances Authorities (NASCSA) PMP Committee to provide guidance surrounding veterinary prescription reporting to prescription drug monitoring programs (PDMPs). The “Recommended Best Practices for Veterinary Prescriptions” report examines the issues facing PDMPs as it relates to veterinarians and offers suggestions on how PDMPs may best address them. The suggestions are a consensus reached as result of the TTAC/NASCSA work group’s efforts and is intended to:
- show reporting issues of veterinary dispensing and prescribing,
- find issues in displaying such data in PDMP reports and queries, and
- offer recommended best practices on techniques and policies for PDMPs.
In the past few years, an emerging body of research has begun to document potential spillover effects of the ongoing opioid crisis on child welfare. This webinar will discuss recently published research in the Journal of Pediatrics showing that state implementation of PDMPs has been associated with reductions in child maltreatment prevalence at the population level. The webinar will also describe broader trends in substance-use related child welfare involvement—including prenatal substance use and foster care—as well as discussing policy implications and areas for future evaluation research.
The RxCheck Governance Board's purpose is to provide governance for the system known as the RxCheck Hub which allows for state prescription drug monitoring programs (PDMPs) to efficiently and securely share prescription data among themselves and their authorized users, and with authorized electronic health record systems such as Health Information Exchanges, electronic medical records, and pharmacy management systems.
Demonstration of the RxCheck Hub integration on-boarding process and capabilities.
This document summarizes the status of PDMPs, based on the results of the 2021 state assessment, related to operations, policies/procedures, technological capabilities, and authorized users.
21 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Parts 1300, 1301, and 1304: Registration Requirements for Narcotic Treatment Programs
View ReportReport — 09/21/2021
In its continuing effort to keep prescription drug monitoring programs (PDMPs) and other stakeholders apprised of new and changing practices, current research, and new laws and regulations, the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program Technical Training and Assistance Center (PDMP TTAC) has compiled the following information on new regulations that have become effective regarding Narcotic Treatment Programs (NTPs), which are now allowed to have mobile sites.
Patient privacy and confidentiality is extremely important for patient outcomes and it is also the law. Federal and state privacy laws, including those applicable to prescription drug monitoring programs (PDMPs), provide protection for patients who seek or obtain medical care, and there are heightened legal protections for the privacy substance use disorder (SUD) treatment information. 42 CFR Part 2 (known as “Part 2”) serves to protect patient records created by certain federally assisted programs for SUD treatment.
These regulations, “Confidentiality of Substance Use Disorder Patient Records,” were first promulgated in 1975 to address concerns about the potential use of SUD information against patients. 42 CFR Part 2 regulations are intended to ensure that a patient receiving SUD treatment from a 42 CFR Part 2 Program does not face adverse consequences.
The National Substance Use Warmline - Tailored Decision-Support for Prescribers
View WebinarWebinar — 05/13/2021
Statewide electronic Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs (PDMPs) have played an increasing role in addressing patient safety by allowing medical providers to more easily review and identify potential patterns of medication misuse. However, even when equipped with PDMP-provided information (e.g., prescription opioid dispensing records), many providers may be uncertain how to apply this knowledge in practice. Specifically, clinicians may have concerns about how to then engage in meaningful and productive conversations with patients about opioid-related risks or misuse. The National Substance Use Warmline is a prescriber-facing resource that is pleased to offer additional clinical support and guidance under these circumstances. The Warmline provides “in the moment,” free and individualized support on substance use evaluation and management to any U.S. healthcare provider through a unique tele-consultation service model.
During this webinar, representatives from the Substance Use Warmline will share:
- A program overview including information on how clinicians can access its consultation services
- Case examples highlighting how Warmline consultants have supported clinical decision-making incorporating PDMP-based information
This podcast provides an overview of patient matching, explain the challenges and opportunities for PDMPs in this area and detail the efforts of the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology or ONC.
A transcript of this podcast is available at Matching_transcript.pdf
There are several steps to connect to the RxCheck Hub: initial discussions, completion of MOU, onboarding, test, and live connection.
The document informs PDMP administrators, state and federal legislators, and other interested stakeholders about state and federal legislation of each state and federal agencies related to PDMPs. The document identifies bills and regulations introduced at the state and federal levels related to PDMPs.
The National Drug Threat Assessment provides a yearly assessment of the many challenges local communities face related to drug abuse and drug trafficking. Highlights in the report include usage and trafficking trends for drugs such as prescription drugs, heroin, methamphetamine, cocaine, marijuana, and the hundreds of synthetic drugs. The assessment factors in information from many data sources such as drug seizures, drug purity, laboratory analyses, information on the involvement of organized criminal groups, and survey data provided to DEA by 5,155 state and local law enforcement agencies across the country.
Overview of the basics of 42 CFR Part 2 that apply to Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs (PDMPs).
The PDMP Training and Technical Assistance Center (TTAC) convened a group of representatives from the state government to address these issues. The workgroup members, composed of PDMP Administrators and agency policymakers, were selected to ensure representation from across the country with differing perspectives (see Appendix A). This report intends to serve as a basis for further consideration and discussion on recommended best practices for adoption to
align the PDMPs with interstate data sharing, integration, and access to data, regardless of current capabilities, statutes, regulations, and policies. PDMP Administrators, state policymakers, and legislators are encouraged to critically review the provided information and use it to enhance the current capabilities, policies, and practices to improve their states’ ability to address prescription medication abuse and misuse problems.
The SUPPORT Act includes a number of provisions that impact health IT and PDMPs. The SUPPORT Act establishes 100% federal funding for states and highlights several critical features for PDMPs to receive the funding: real-time reporting, interstate data sharing, and integration with electronic health records. This virtual learning will be a discussion of what other PDMPs are doing to satisfy the data requirements of the Substance Use-Disorder Prevention that Promotes Opioid Recovery and Treatment for Patients and Communities Act (SUPPORT Act).
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted every facet of our society. Along with businesses and organizations, the pandemic has also forced federal, state, and local governments to find new ways to provide vital services. This podcast will explore the impact the pandemic is having on the Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs. PDMPs are state government programs that collect information about the prescribing and dispensing of controlled substance medications. Even though controlled substances are effective in the treatment of certain medical conditions, they also have the potential to be misused or abused. PDMPs are tools used by prescribers and dispensers to ensure proper use of these medications and to enhance patient care. There are 54 PDMPs nationally, including programs in the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Northern Mariana Islands.
This podcast will provide the listener with an overview of how the pandemic has affected the operations of a few PDMPs, and what PDMP administrators are doing to keep this valuable tool operating for healthcare providers and their patients. We will be talking to four PDMP administrators and explore with them the operational adjustments made in response to the pandemic, changes in reporting of prescription information, any indication of any changes in misuse or abuse of prescription medications, review any changes in the prescribing or dispensing patterns resulting from the pandemic, and what the impact the COVID-19 pandemic may have on future budgets and operations of PDMPs.
A transcript of the podcast is available: Impact of Covid-19 on PDMPs Transcript
Since 2010, the PDMP Training and Technical Assistance Center (TTAC), at the Institute for Intergovernmental Research (IIR), with support from the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), has conducted seven (7) state assessments of prescription drug monitoring programs (PDMPs). The assessments have gathered data on PDMP statutes, regulations, policies, and procedures; tracked their changes over time; and identified program trends and candidate best practices. This document details the current status of PDMPs, based on the results of the 2020 state assessment, related to operations, policies/procedures, technological capabilities, authorized users, and PDMP reports.
Detailing new features, enhancements, and how to navigate the latest version of the PDMP TTAC website.
As more PDMPs became operational, many federal and state-level policymakers began to explore the value and necessity for interstate data sharing. Combining PDMP data from neighboring states would provide a more complete patient prescription history, thereby enhancing patient care. It was also well known that doctor shopping (multiple provider episodes) and cases of prescription drug diversion often cross state lines and that PDMP data from a single state are limited in their capacity to identify individuals potentially in need of intervention, whether by medical providers or investigative agencies. BJA recognized the importance of states sharing PDMP data and awarded funds to support PDMPs with interstate data sharing efforts and to develop an interstate data sharing solution known as the RxCheck Hub.
GAO Report to Congressional Committees - PDMP Views on Usefulness and Challenges of Programs
View ReportReport — 10/02/2020
The Substance Use-Disorder Prevention that Promotes Opioid Recovery and Treatment for Patients and Communities Act includes a provision for GAO to study the operation of PDMPs. In this report, GAO describes (1) physicians’ views on the usefulness of PDMPs when making patient care decisions; and (2) challenges to using PDMPs when making patient care decisions, as well as state and federal efforts to address these challenges.
GAO interviewed 31 physicians in 10 selected states and PDMP officials in nine of the 10 states. The selected states vary geographically and by other factors such as overdose death rates. GAO selected physicians from medical specialties that prescribe opioids. GAO also conducted interviews with relevant national organizations, organizations representing pharmacists, and officials from federal agencies that support PDMPs, and reviewed relevant federal strategy documents and grant announcements.
Overdose Fatality Review - A Practitioner's Guide to Implementation
View Meeting PresentationMeeting Presentation — 09/01/2020
Overdose Fatality Review (OFR) is a nationally recognized model used by a growing number of communities to strengthen their community-based responses to the opioid overdose epidemic. The goal of this OFR guide is to provide the reader with the needed information to build a successful OFR process with a strong foundation in coalition, data collection, and prevention. The OFR guide content draws on other fatality reviews and the authors’ practice-based knowledge. It is organized into five modules: Recruit Your OFR Team, Plan Your OFR Team, Facilitate Your OFR Team, Collect Your OFR Data, Build a Recommendation Plan.
BJA is committed to ensuring that states have access to multiple platforms to support interstate and intrastate integration, regardless of state vendor choice. This includes providing options for prescription drug monitoring program (PDMP) interstate data sharing as well as supporting PDMP integration within electronic health records (EHRs) and health information exchanges (HIEs). The aim is to maximize interconnectivity of all innovative resources that exist within this space.
Currently, there are two operational hubs that facilitate interstate and intrastate data sharing, RxCheck hub and PMP InterConnect. The RxCheck hub is a fully operational data sharing system that enables states to securely and efficiently share prescription drug monitoring program (PDMP) data between states or with a Health Information Exchange/Electronic Health Record (HIE/EHR) system. The RxCheck hub is governed by the RxCheck Governance Board, which is composed of states that are connected to the hub or have expressed interest in connecting to the hub. The RxCheck hub is funded by BJA.
The Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) Model Act 2020 provides state administrators with model language that PDMPs may use when considering developing state laws to ensure that health care practitioners have complete and reliable information regarding their patients’ controlled substance histories and to assist law enforcement in combating drug diversion. The Act includes sections on establishment of advisory boards or committees, reporting, access and use, incorporating alternate data sources, interstate data sharing, audit trail information and transmission audit logs, integration, confidentiality, practitioner activity reports, mandatory registration and query requirements, immunity, data analysis, rules and regulations, unlawful acts, and penalties and severability.
RxCheck provides states the ability to easily participate in the growing movement of nationwide Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) data sharing and integration. RxCheck was developed with support from the U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), using the Prescription Monitoring Information Exchange (PMIX) National Architecture specifications. RxCheck was designed with the involvement of state PDMP administrators, private industry, and the federal government. RxCheck is currently operated by BJA and is governed by the RxCheck Governing Body consisting of PDMP representatives from participating states.
The Veterans Health Administration is the largest integrated health care system in the United States, providing health care and pharmacy services to over nine million veterans and processing over 120 million outpatient prescriptions per year. Inclusion of the VA prescription information in the nation’s PDMPs is vitally important in reducing the rate of potential misuse and abuse prescription drugs among the veteran population.
At this webinar, representatives from the VA will discuss:
- Processes for reporting information to the PDMPs
- Potential issues in data reporting
- Efforts to remedy the issues
Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Reporting to PDMPs - August 2020
View Meeting PresentationMeeting Presentation — 08/19/2020
The Veterans Health Administration is the largest integrated health care system in the United States, providing health care and pharmacy services to over nine million veterans and processing over 120 million outpatient prescriptions per year. Inclusion of the VA prescription information in the nation’s PDMPs is vitally important in reducing the rate of potential misuse and abuse prescription drugs among the veteran population.
At this webinar, representatives from the VA will discuss:
- Processes for reporting information to the PDMPs
- Potential issues in data reporting
- Efforts to remedy the issues
Overdose Fatality Reviews Companion Document July 2020 v2
View Meeting PresentationMeeting Presentation — 08/11/2020
Overdose Fatality Reviews Companion Document July 2020 v2
State Strategies to Improve the Use of PDMPs to Address Opioid and Other Substance Use Disorders
View ReportReport — 08/05/2020
States have implemented many different strategies to address opioid use disorder/substance use disorders (OUD/SUD) and promote safe prescribing practices. One of these strategies is maintaining prescription drug monitoring programs (PDMPs) to inform clinical decisions and help support referrals to OUD/SUD treatment. PDMPs serve as information tools for many providers and public health and safety professionals who use the data to address OUD/SUD through improved clinical decision making, enhanced public health interventions, and faster detection of prescription fraud and diversion.
The National Governors Association developed a toolkit to highlight state practices in PDMP policy and identify opportunities to improve access and ease of use by health care providers. The toolkit includes a series of 10 considerations, highlighting different approaches states have taken to implement those strategies. In producing this toolkit, the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices (NGA Center) consulted with national and state experts, including through a virtual roundtable on March 31, 2020, that was largely comprised of state officials, to discuss how states have used their PDMPs as part of broader strategies to address OUD/SUD.
Because PDMPs are already widely adopted and utilized among states and providers, the considerations in this toolkit reflect opportunities for state leaders to share best practices and make enhancements to advance functionality and improve utilization as part of a broader data-driven approach to promote the health and wellbeing of state residents. It also serves as a primer for individuals interested in learning about how PDMPs can advance initiatives to address OUD/SUD.
The Brandeis Opioid Resource Connector (BORC) website ( offers stakeholders more than 150 community-based program models across the continuum of care, which can serve as models for initiatives and policies aimed at reducing opioid addiction and overdose. The website also includes a wide array of additional materials, such as toolkits, reports, peer-reviewed articles, and data and mapping tools, including numerous resources specific to COVID-19.
The BORC website includes content across the spectrum of services related to the opioid crisis (prevention, treatment, recovery and harm reduction) through four main components:
- A curated, frequently updated selection of existing community program models
- Community-focused tools that provide guidance for choosing appropriate interventions, policies, or practices, as well as assistance in building or sustaining coalitions and task forces
- Links to key resources such as data and mapping, toolkits, papers, and reports
- A feedback function for website users to provide suggestions and share their own programs
The website highlights a diverse collection of program models and more than 500 additional resources, with new material added regularly. Some approaches used by these program models include safer opioid prescribing, increasing availability of medications for opioid use disorder, overdose prevention, post-overdose response, recovery coaching, and addressing social determinants of health, such as housing and employment.
Full utilization of prescription drug monitoring programs (PDMPs) can help maximize their potential in addressing prescription drug misuse and diversion and in improving patient care. As more and more PDMPs became operational, health care professionals’ enrollment in the PDMP was discretionary, as was viewing a patient’s prescription history when prescribing or dispensing controlled substances. To increase the use of PDMPs, some states adopted a statutory mandate for practitioners to enroll and use the PDMP under certain circumstances.
PDMP Introduced and Enacted Legislation and Regulations - Second Quarter 2020
View ArticleArticle — 07/10/2020
The document informs PDMP administrators, state and federal legislators, and other interested stakeholders about state and federal legislation from each state, district, territory, and federal agency related to PDMPs. The document identifies bills and regulations introduced at the state and federal levels related to PDMPs and tracks their progress with quarterly and annual updates and reports.
This Technical Assistance Guide (TAG) is intended to (1) identify reporting issues of veterinary dispensing and prescribing, (2) identify issues in displaying such data in PDMP reports and queries, and (3) provide recommended best practices on techniques and policies for PDMPs.
Researchers with the University of Kentucky College of Pharmacy, West Virginia University School of Public Health, and Brown University School of Public Health compiled a literature review of PDMP-related studies published from June 2018 to December 2019. This literature synthesis has identified several themes related to the evolution of PDMPs as data systems and research tools in the context of an opioid epidemic shifting to illicit opioids. Delcher C, Pauly N, Moyo P “Advances in prescription drug monitoring program research: a literature synthesis” (June 2018 to December 2019). Current Opinion in Psychiatry. 2020 Apr;1.
The 21st Century Cures Act: Interoperability, Information Blocking, and the ONC Health IT Certification Program Final Rule supports seamless and secure access, exchange, and use of electronic health information.
Representatives from the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) will discuss:
• Federal regulations and policies impacting or related to PDMPs
• Information blocking provisions in the Cures Act Final Rule
• Potential impact of the Cures Act Final Rule on PDMPs and related technology
The PMIX service provides state PMP systems with the capability to retrieve interstate prescription drug history and display it to their in-state end-users (requestor) to assist in the identification of potential abuse and diversion. The service can provide the requested drug history as a direct response to a request containing person identifiers. Multiple concurrent requests can be issued by an HCE system to provide prescription drug histories from as many states as needed.
The PMIX service provides state PMP systems with the capability to retrieve interstate prescription drug history and display it to their in-state end-users (requestor) to assist in the identification of potential abuse and diversion. The service can provide the requested drug history as a direct response to a request containing person identifiers. Multiple requests can be issued in sequence by a state PMP system to provide prescription drug histories from as many states as needed.
Prescriber Education Projects - Minnesota
View Meeting PresentationMeeting Presentation — 03/11/2020
Prescription and illicit drug misuse and abuse is a multi-faceted problem requiring a coordinated, collaborative effort among federal, state, and local stakeholders. The meeting brought together experts to discuss the importance of data and information sharing in projects and activities across the nation. The agenda covers a range of topics through presentations and collegial roundtables.
Overdose Data to Action Grant Projects - CDC
View Meeting PresentationMeeting Presentation — 03/11/2020
Prescription and illicit drug misuse and abuse is a multi-faceted problem requiring a coordinated, collaborative effort among federal, state, and local stakeholders. The meeting brought together experts to discuss the importance of data and information sharing in projects and activities across the nation. The agenda covers a range of topics through presentations and collegial roundtables.
Overdose Data to Action Grant Projects - Vermont
View Meeting PresentationMeeting Presentation — 03/11/2020
Prescription and illicit drug misuse and abuse is a multi-faceted problem requiring a coordinated, collaborative effort among federal, state, and local stakeholders. The meeting brought together experts to discuss the importance of data and information sharing in projects and activities across the nation. The agenda covers a range of topics through presentations and collegial roundtables.
Prescription and illicit drug misuse and abuse is a multi-faceted problem requiring a coordinated, collaborative effort among federal, state, and local stakeholders. The meeting brought together experts to discuss the importance of data and information sharing in projects and activities across the nation. The agenda covers a range of topics through presentations and collegial roundtables.
Overdose Data to Action Grant Projects - Pennsylvania
View Meeting PresentationMeeting Presentation — 03/11/2020
Prescription and illicit drug misuse and abuse is a multi-faceted problem requiring a coordinated, collaborative effort among federal, state, and local stakeholders. The meeting brought together experts to discuss the importance of data and information sharing in projects and activities across the nation. The agenda covers a range of topics through presentations and collegial roundtables.
Prescriber Education Project - New Jersey
View Meeting PresentationMeeting Presentation — 03/11/2020
Prescription and illicit drug misuse and abuse is a multi-faceted problem requiring a coordinated, collaborative effort among federal, state, and local stakeholders. The meeting brought together experts to discuss the importance of data and information sharing in projects and activities across the nation. The agenda covers a range of topics through presentations and collegial roundtables.
Prescription and illicit drug misuse and abuse is a multi-faceted problem requiring a coordinated, collaborative effort among federal, state, and local stakeholders. The meeting brought together experts to discuss the importance of data and information sharing in projects and activities across the nation. The agenda covers a range of topics through presentations and collegial roundtables.
Prescription and illicit drug misuse and abuse is a multi-faceted problem requiring a coordinated, collaborative effort among federal, state, and local stakeholders. The meeting brought together experts to discuss the importance of data and information sharing in projects and activities across the nation. The agenda covers a range of topics through presentations and collegial roundtables.
Prescription and illicit drug misuse and abuse is a multi-faceted problem requiring a coordinated, collaborative effort among federal, state, and local stakeholders. The meeting brought together experts to discuss the importance of data and information sharing in projects and activities across the nation. The agenda covers a range of topics through presentations and collegial roundtables.
Prescription and illicit drug misuse and abuse is a multi-faceted problem requiring a coordinated, collaborative effort among federal, state, and local stakeholders. The meeting brought together experts to discuss the importance of data and information sharing in projects and activities across the nation. The agenda covers a range of topics through presentations and collegial roundtables.
Prescription and illicit drug misuse and abuse is a multi-faceted problem requiring a coordinated, collaborative effort among federal, state, and local stakeholders. The meeting brought together experts to discuss the importance of data and information sharing in projects and activities across the nation. The agenda covers a range of topics through presentations and collegial roundtables.
Prescription and illicit drug misuse and abuse is a multi-faceted problem requiring a coordinated, collaborative effort among federal, state, and local stakeholders. The meeting brought together experts to discuss the importance of data and information sharing in projects and activities across the nation. The agenda covers a range of topics through presentations and collegial roundtables.
Prescription and illicit drug misuse and abuse is a multi-faceted problem requiring a coordinated, collaborative effort among federal, state, and local stakeholders. The meeting brought together experts to discuss the importance of data and information sharing in projects and activities across the nation. The agenda covers a range of topics through presentations and collegial roundtables.
Prescription and illicit drug misuse and abuse is a multi-faceted problem requiring a coordinated, collaborative effort among federal, state, and local stakeholders. The meeting brought together experts to discuss the importance of data and information sharing in projects and activities across the nation. The agenda covers a range of topics through presentations and collegial roundtables.
Voices From the Field - St Louis County MO
View Meeting PresentationMeeting Presentation — 03/10/2020
Prescription and illicit drug misuse and abuse is a multi-faceted problem requiring a coordinated, collaborative effort among federal, state, and local stakeholders. The meeting brought together experts to discuss the importance of data and information sharing in projects and activities across the nation. The agenda covers a range of topics through presentations and collegial roundtables.
The Harold Rogers Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) enhances the capacity of regulatory and law enforcement agencies and public health officials to collect and analyze controlled substance prescription data and other scheduled chemical products through a centralized database administered by an authorized agency.
The Harold Rogers PDMP Grant Program strengthens states’ and territories’ ability to plan, implement, or enhance PDMPs by accommodating local decision-making based on state laws and preferences, while encouraging the replication of promising practices. In addition to supporting the implementation and enhancement of PDMPs, the program can support the Administration’s priority of tracking prescribing across providers and states through the integration of PDMPs and Electronic Health Records and Health Information Exchanges which are essential to promoting safe and responsible prescribing, while also assuring appropriate pain care.
Grant funds may be used to support a variety of PDMP implementation or enhancement activities that encourage the use of PDMPs to improve clinical decision making and prevent the abuse and diversion of controlled substances.
Award recipients will be expected to ensure that their PDMP systems have the capacity to exchange data with other PDMP systems via RxCheck hub. Applicants that are not already actively connected to RxCheck hub may include the cost of connecting, if any, in their budget requests.
The deadline to submit an application is 11:59 p.m. eastern time on May 5, 2020.
It also provides the strategic direction necessary for the federal government to prevent initiates to drug use through education and evidence-based prevention, provide treatment for those suffering from the disease of addiction so they can reach long-term recovery, and reduce the availability of these dangerous drugs in every American community.
As of December 2019, at least 33 states have passed laws legalizing the use of marijuana, cannabidiol oil, or THC-A oil (referred to collectively as “medical marijuana”) for the treatment of certain medical conditions. As more states have legalized medical marijuana, legislatures in 11 states have enacted laws requiring the reporting of certain information related to medical marijuana to the state PDMP. These laws range from including patient registry identification card information in the PDMP to requiring medical marijuana dispensaries to report the dispensing of medical marijuana directly to the PDMP.
Information was obtained from TTAC's annual surveys, review of enacted legislation and regulations, and direct communication with PDMP Administrators
Provider (i.e., clinicians and dispensers) use of PDMPs is one the most promising state-level interventions to improve opioid prescribing, inform clinical practice, and protect patients at heightened risk of opioid misuse, use disorder, and overdose. Integrating PDMP data into electronic health records (EHRs) and other health IT solutions equips providers with the tools and resources they need to make PDMP data more actionable, inform clinical decision making, and to ensure the safer use of opioid therapy for patients. RxCheck provides states the ability to implement multiple pathways towards PDMP - health IT (e.g., EHR) integration. RxCheck was developed with support from the U.S. BJA, using the Prescription Monitoring Information eXchange (PMIX) National Architecture specifications.
BJA/CDC RxCheck Hub Overview and Onboarding Webinar - November 2019
View WebinarWebinar — 11/07/2019
Provider (i.e., clinicians and dispensers) use of PDMPs is one the most promising state-level interventions to improve opioid prescribing, inform clinical practice, and protect patients at heightened risk of opioid misuse, use disorder, and overdose. Integrating PDMP data into electronic health records (EHRs) and other health IT solutions equips providers with the tools and resources they need to make PDMP data more actionable, inform clinical decision making, and to ensure the safer use of opioid therapy for patients. RxCheck provides states the ability to implement multiple pathways towards PDMP - health IT (e.g., EHR) integration. RxCheck was developed with support from the U.S. BJA, using the Prescription Monitoring Information eXchange (PMIX) National Architecture specifications.
Provider (i.e., clinicians and dispensers) use of PDMPs is one the most promising state-level interventions to improve opioid prescribing, inform clinical practice, and protect patients at heightened risk of opioid misuse, use disorder, and overdose. Integrating PDMP data into electronic health records (EHRs) and other health IT solutions equips providers with the tools and resources they need to make PDMP data more actionable, inform clinical decision making, and to ensure the safer use of opioid therapy for patients. RxCheck provides states the ability to implement multiple pathways towards PDMP -health IT (e.g., EHR) integration. RxCheck was developed with support from BJA, using the Prescription Monitoring Information eXchange (PMIX) National Architecture specifications.
This webinar introduces the PDMP Training and Technical Assistance Center (PDMP TTAC) and its resources, provides an overview on how to get connected to your state PDMP, and discusses PDMP and EHR integration.
The 2019 East Regional Meeting in Burlington, Vermont, attended by PDMP Administrators in the region, to meet and strategize as well as learn the latest about national and regional PDMP activities.
The Evolution of PDMPs and Their Role in Addressing the Opioid Crisis
View PodcastPodcast — 09/06/2019
This podcast provides a brief history and current innovations across Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs (PDMPs) from some of the key people who helped to enhance these state programs in efforts to address the opioid abuse, misuse, and overdose crisis in the United States. The podcast features thoughts and comments about the role PDMPs have in public health and public safety from The Honorable Harold "Hal" Rogers from Kentucky's 5th Congressional District; James "Jim" Giglio, former Director of New York State's Bureau of Narcotics Enforcement; Meghna Patel, Deputy Secretary for Health Innovation at the Pennsylvania Department of Health; David "Dave" Hopkins, former program manager of the Kentucky All Schedule Prescription Electronic Reporting System (KASPER) at the Office of Inspector General; Chris Baumgartner, Drug Systems Director, Washington State Department of Health; and Michelle Ricco Jonas, PDMP Director, New Hampshire Board of Pharmacy.
A transcript of this podcast is available at
This podcast provides an insight into some of the innovations and challenges of PDMPs as a data system tool to address prescription drug abuse, misuse, and overdoses. This podcast features some of the key people working to optimize the utilization of these state data systems: David “Dave” Hopkins, former program manager, Kentucky All Schedule Prescription Electronic Reporting System (KASPER) at the Office of Inspector General; Rodd Kelly, Program Manager, Massachusetts PDMP at the Department of Public Health; Chris Baumgartner, Drug Systems Director, Washington State Department of Health; Meghna Patel, Deputy Secretary, Health Innovation at the Pennsylvania Department of Health; and Michelle Ricco-Jonas, PDMP Director, New Hampshire Board of Pharmacy.
A transcript of this podcast is available at
Information was obtained from TTAC's annual surveys, review of enacted legislation and regulations, and direct communication with PDMP Administrators
PDMP and Medical Examiner/Coroner Report - Building Collaboration
View PublicationPublication — 07/03/2019
The Opioid Epidemic-Broad Strategies and Local Impacts
View Meeting PresentationMeeting Presentation — 06/27/2019
Prescription and illicit drug misuse and abuse is a multi-faceted problem requiring a coordinated, collaborative effort among federal, state, and local stakeholders. The meeting brought together experts to discuss the importance of data and information sharing in projects and activities across the nation. The agenda covers a range of topics through presentations and collegial roundtables.
Emergency Department Surveillance for Opioid Overdoses in Pennsylvania
View Meeting PresentationMeeting Presentation — 06/27/2019
Nevada PDMP Data Quality and Pharmacy Compliance
View Meeting PresentationMeeting Presentation — 06/27/2019
Prescription and illicit drug misuse and abuse is a multi-faceted problem requiring a coordinated, collaborative effort among federal, state, and local stakeholders. The meeting brought together experts to discuss the importance of data and information sharing in projects and activities across the nation. The agenda covers a range of topics through presentations and collegial roundtables.
California CURES Information Exchange Web Service
View Meeting PresentationMeeting Presentation — 06/27/2019
Massachusetts PDMP Data Quality Initiative
View Meeting PresentationMeeting Presentation — 06/27/2019
Impacts of Opioid Policy Changes: Overview and Updates from VPMS
View Meeting PresentationMeeting Presentation — 06/27/2019
Maximizing the Wisconsin PDMP Through Analytics and User-Led Enhancements
View Meeting PresentationMeeting Presentation — 06/26/2019
Prescription and illicit drug misuse and abuse is a multi-faceted problem requiring a coordinated, collaborative effort among federal, state, and local stakeholders. The meeting brought together experts to discuss the importance of data and information sharing in projects and activities across the nation. The agenda covers a range of topics through presentations and collegial roundtables.
Colorado Public Safety and Public Health Information Sharing
View Meeting PresentationMeeting Presentation — 06/26/2019
RJOI: Leveraging Social , Behavioral, and Health Data
View Meeting PresentationMeeting Presentation — 06/26/2019
Leveraging Data from the Illinois PDMP to Address the Opioid Epidemic Through Academic Detailing
View Meeting PresentationMeeting Presentation — 06/26/2019
Prescription and illicit drug misuse and abuse is a multi-faceted problem requiring a coordinated, collaborative effort among federal, state, and local stakeholders. The meeting brought together experts to discuss the importance of data and information sharing in projects and activities across the nation. The agenda covers a range of topics through presentations and collegial roundtables.
Innovations in PDMPs: Nebraska's Approach
View Meeting PresentationMeeting Presentation — 06/26/2019
Data -Driven Responses to Prescription Drug Misuse in Kentucky
View Meeting PresentationMeeting Presentation — 06/26/2019
Comparison of Record Linkage Software in CA PDMP
View Meeting PresentationMeeting Presentation — 06/26/2019
Prescription and illicit drug misuse and abuse is a multi-faceted problem requiring a coordinated, collaborative effort among federal, state, and local stakeholders. The meeting brought together experts to discuss the importance of data and information sharing in projects and activities across the nation. The agenda covers a range of topics through presentations and collegial roundtables.
Sharing PDMPs via National Data Sharing Networks
View Meeting PresentationMeeting Presentation — 06/25/2019
Prescription and illicit drug misuse and abuse is a multi-faceted problem requiring a coordinated, collaborative effort among federal, state, and local stakeholders. The meeting brought together experts to discuss the importance of data and information sharing in projects and activities across the nation. The agenda covers a range of topics through presentations and collegial roundtables.
Prescription and illicit drug misuse and abuse is a multi-faceted problem requiring a coordinated, collaborative effort among federal, state, and local stakeholders. The meeting brought together experts to discuss the importance of data and information sharing in projects and activities across the nation. The agenda covers a range of topics through presentations and collegial roundtables.
Prescription and illicit drug misuse and abuse is a multi-faceted problem requiring a coordinated, collaborative effort among federal, state, and local stakeholders. The meeting brought together experts to discuss the importance of data and information sharing in projects and activities across the nation. The agenda covers a range of topics through presentations and collegial roundtables.
Questions were obtained from contact with PDMP Administrators and other stakeholder concerning various topics about the RxCheck Hub and Governance Board.
21st Century CURES Act: Exchange Standards and Information Blocking
View PodcastPodcast — 05/10/2019
This podcast delves into select components of the 21st Century CURES Act and provides details on how states and the public can provide comments on the proposed rule by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC) to implement the CURES Act. The podcast is an interview with Elisabeth Myers, Deputy Director, Office of Policy at ONC, on these topics.
A transcript of this podcast is available at
Prescription drug information sharing strategies are an important part of combatting the national epidemic of prescription abuse and drug overdose deaths. The value to prescribers and dispensers of sharing prescription data across state lines and integrating prescription data access with electronic health record systems is well established. RxCheck provides states the ability to easily participate in the growing movement of nationwide Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) data sharing and integration. RxCheck was developed with support from the U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), using the Prescription Monitoring Information eXchange (PMIX) National Architecture specifications.
The Substance Use-Disorder Prevention that Promotes Opioid Recovery and Treatment for Patients and Communities Act (SUPPORT Act) includes a number of provisions that impact health IT and PDMPs. The SUPPORT Act establishes 100% federal funding for states. The Act highlights several critical features for PDMPs to receive funding: real-time reporting, interstate data sharing, and integration with electronic health records.
The 2019 South Regional Meeting in Tallahassee, Florida, attended by PDMP Administrators in the region, to meet and strategize as well as learn the latest about national and regional PDMP activities.
Standardizing a Process for PDMP Data Requests by Researchers
View PublicationPublication — 03/15/2019
Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) is a draft standard describing data formats and elements and an application programming interface (API) for exchanging electronic health records. The standard was created by the Health Level Seven International (HL7) health-care standards organization. One of its goals is to facilitate interoperation between legacy health care systems, to make it easier to provide health care information to health care providers and individuals on a wide variety of devices from computers to tablets to cell phones, and to allow third-party application developers to provide medical applications which can be easily integrated into existing systems.
PDMP FHIR Implementation Guide and Pilots Overview - February 2019
View WebinarWebinar — 02/20/2019
Innovative Programs for Criminal Justice-Involved Individuals with Opioids Use Disorder: Sequential Intercept Model
View PublicationPublication — 02/07/2019
This webinar for BJA grant recipients (Data-Driven Responses to Prescription Drug Misuse (COAP Category 6), Data- Driven Responses to Prescription Drug Abuse, Research/Practitioner Partnerships, and Data-Driven Multi-Disciplinary Approaches to Reducing Rx Abuse), was to share experiences, discuss issues and challenges, and continue the dialogue among the various grantees.
This webinar explained how state court systems are working with PDMPs to address the opioid epidemic.
In 2003, DOJ began the Harold Rogers Prescription Drug Monitoring Grant Program (HRPDMP). DOJ, through its Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), made funding available to states that were interested in establishing, implementing, and enhancing PDMPs. The availability of federal funds through the HRPDMP played an integral role in the proliferation of PDMPs. The FY 2018 grants included special conditions concerning interstate data sharing.
In 2003, DOJ began the Harold Rogers Prescription Drug Monitoring Grant Program (HRPDMP). DOJ, through its Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), made funding available to states that were interested in establishing, implementing, and enhancing PDMPs. The availability of federal funds through the HRPDMP played an integral role in the proliferation of PDMPs. The FY 2018 grants included special conditions concerning interstate data sharing.
Nebraska: What's Going on With the PDMP and HIE
View Meeting PresentationMeeting Presentation — 10/17/2018
Ohio PDMP Precriminal Intervention Program
View Meeting PresentationMeeting Presentation — 10/16/2018
The 2018 North Regional Meeting in Madison, Wisconsin, attended by PDMP Administrators in the region, to meet and strategize as well as learn the latest about national and regional PDMP activities.
RxCheck provides states the ability to easily participate in the growing movement of nationwide Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) data sharing and integration. RxCheck was developed with support from the U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), using the Prescription Monitoring Information Exchange (PMIX) National Architecture specifications. RxCheck was designed with the involvement of state PDMP administrators, private industry, and the federal government. RxCheck is currently operated by BJA and is governed by the RxCheck Governing Body consisting of PDMP representatives from participating states.
This webinar explained the history and capabilities of PDMPs, as well as how establishing a partnership with PDMPs can positively impact prescription drug abuse and the lives of those affected by this epidemic.
This applies to all entities involved in the exchange of prescription data between Prescription Drug Monitoring programs and their stakeholder organizations as well as data sharing hubs, and other exchange partners or intermediaries. This document applies to all of the programs and vendors supporting this exchange of information
This would have implications to all entities involved in the exchange of prescription data between Prescription Drug Monitoring programs and their stakeholder organizations as well as data sharing hubs, and other exchange partners or intermediaries. This document applies to all of the programs and vendors supporting this exchange of information
This applies to all entities involved in the exchange of prescription data between Prescription Drug Monitoring programs and their stakeholder organizations as well as data sharing hubs, and other exchange partners or intermediaries. This document applies to all of the programs and vendors supporting this exchange of information
This applies to all entities involved in the exchange of prescription data between Prescription Drug Monitoring programs and their stakeholder organizations as well as data sharing hubs, and other exchange partners or intermediaries. This document applies to all of the programs and vendors supporting this exchange of information
This would have implications to all entities involved in the exchange of prescription data between Prescription Drug Monitoring programs and their stakeholder organizations as well as data sharing hubs, and other exchange partners or intermediaries. This document applies to all of the programs and vendors supporting this exchange of information
The PMIX service provides state PMP systems with the capability to retrieve interstate prescription drug history and display it to their in-state end users (requestor) to assist in the identification of potential abuse and diversion. The service can provide the requested drug history as a direct response to a request containing person identifiers. Multiple requests can be issued in sequence by a state PMP system to provide prescription drug histories from as many states as needed.
This webinar for the BJA grant recipients (Harold Rogers PDMP Implementation and Enhancement Projects), was to share experiences, discuss issues and challenges, and continue the dialogue among the various grantees.
The process flow for connection to the hub and resources available to assist in the connection are also discussed.
Viewing Options and Resources
- COSSUP webinar recordings include options for enabling closed captioning/subtitles and transcripts during playback; please see the bottom right menu of the recording screen.
- Presentation slides are available upon request by contacting
FY 2018 Special Conditions Related to Hal Rogers PDMP Grant Awards and PDMP Interstate Data Sharing
View WebinarWebinar — 05/27/2018
When BJA received questions about how to comply with the new special conditions related to PDMP interstate data sharing, a webinar was scheduled to make BJA representatives available to project directors as soon as possible to answer questions and provide guidance on PDMP data sharing hub connectivity.
Viewing Options and Resources
- COSSUP webinar recordings include options for enabling closed captioning/subtitles and transcripts during playback; please see the bottom right menu of the recording screen.
- Presentation slides are available upon request by contacting
The RxCheck Governance Board and the milestones and timeline for connection to the RxCheck hub are also covered.
Viewing Options and Resources
- COSSUP webinar recordings include options for enabling closed captioning/subtitles and transcripts during playback; please see the bottom right menu of the recording screen.
- Presentation slides are available upon request by contacting
This applies to all entities involved in the exchange of prescription data between Prescription Drug Monitoring programs and their stakeholder organizations as well as data sharing hubs, and other exchange partners or intermediaries. This document applies to all of the programs and vendors supporting this exchange of information
PDMP Collaboration with the New Mexico Dept. of Health
View Meeting PresentationMeeting Presentation — 04/26/2018
Washington State Category 6 Grant Update
View Meeting PresentationMeeting Presentation — 04/26/2018
The 2018 West Regional Meeting in Albuquerque, New Mexico, attended by PDMP Administrators in the region, to meet and strategize as well as learn the latest about national and regional PDMP activities.
Opioid Prescription Rates and Child Removals: Evidence from Florida - February 2018
View WebinarWebinar — 02/27/2018
Opioid abuse has rapidly become an urgent issue facing the U.S. A critical aspect of the opioid epidemic is its effect on the ability of opioid-dependent parents to care for their children. One of the many indirect costs of opioid use disorder is parents’ reduced ability to care for their children. In the most extreme circumstances, opioid abuse can lead to children’s removal from their homes and placement in foster care. Removal has been associated with many deleterious effects on children, including higher rates of juvenile delinquency and teen motherhood, mental and physical health problems, and higher rates of adult criminality. This webinar explores the association between the rate of removals of children from their homes and the opioid prescription rate in Florida counties between 2012 and 2015.
Prescribing Restrictions for Acute and Chronic Pain - October 2017
View PublicationPublication — 11/27/2017